Tag Archives: assistedliving

Your Aging Parents: Reframing your Focus to Find the Bright Side of Caretaking

The job of caretaking your aging parents is one that is bittersweet. Aging is rarely kind to any living being, bringing with it a host of ailments, both emotional and physical; and yet, learning to refocus the grief or fear … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, aging in place, Assisted Living, caretaking, health and wellness, The Middle Ages | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Your Aging Parents: Reframing your Focus to Find the Bright Side of Caretaking

Surprise! Paying an Unannounced Visit to Your Aging Parent and Caregiver

Have you ever dropped in unannounced, just to check on your aging parent and his or her caregiver? If not, you should. There is so much more to true daily caregiving beyond just feeding, dressing and medicating a patient. Environment … Continue reading

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Show Mom and Dad How Much You Care … With a Package!

There’s nothing quite as thrilling as receiving a package in the mail. Even if you already know what’s inside, there’s still that sense of exhilaration as you race to cut open the packaging and get inside the wrapping as quickly … Continue reading

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Transitioning into Residential Living

  After months of back-breaking work, you’ve finally got your elderly parents out of the family home and settled into their new assisted care residence; yet something’s still nagging at you… Ah, yes. That would be your dad, who is … Continue reading

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