Author Archives: Debbie Held

Your Aging Parents: Combating Loneliness During a Pandemic

Keeping your aging parents well today has never been more challenging. Not only is the elderly population most vulnerable to and at risk from COVID-19, but the very efforts employed to keep them safe may turn out to be just … Continue reading

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Your Aging Parents: Tips for Staying Well (at Home) in a Changing Climate

Note of disclaimer: Coronavirus is an ever-evolving world health situation and I am not a physician. My advice is based on the most current research from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of … Continue reading

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Your Aging Parents: What to do when You’ve Got Nothing to Talk About

How often do you speak with your aging parent(s)? Now, I’m not referring to those quickie phone calls in which you make sure that Mom’s caretaker has been showing up and that her groceries are being delivered. What I want … Continue reading

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Your Aging Parents and Technology: Taking Away Their Electronic Devices

Being a caretaker or decision maker for your elderly parents means having to make difficult choices, all in the name of safety—your parents,’ and those around them. Taking away their car keys is one such example; but have you ever … Continue reading

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Caring for Your Aging Parents: How to Decrease Your Feelings of Isolation

One of the most difficult and stressful jobs you’re ever likely to face is one for which you don’t get paid. This work can be so all encompassing as to wreak havoc on your paying employment, as well as on … Continue reading

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6 Tips for Dealing with Your Aging Parent’s Speedy Remarriage

Few situations tend to bring about as many strong feelings, often banding adult children together against parent, as when your widowed, aging mom or dad decides to remarry—especially after a relatively short period of time since the death of your … Continue reading

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Suicide Among the Elderly: Signs of Danger

In life’s sometimes painful progression, we, as adult children, expect to outlive our parents. This is the circle of life. One day, natural causes or an ongoing illness will lay claim to our elderly parents.  Yet there’s something we don’t … Continue reading

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Your Aging Parents: Reframing your Focus to Find the Bright Side of Caretaking

The job of caretaking your aging parents is one that is bittersweet. Aging is rarely kind to any living being, bringing with it a host of ailments, both emotional and physical; and yet, learning to refocus the grief or fear … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, aging in place, Assisted Living, caretaking, health and wellness, The Middle Ages | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Your Aging Parents: Reframing your Focus to Find the Bright Side of Caretaking

Your Aging Parent and Serious Medical Conditions: 6 Life Management Strategies

Aging is challenging all on its own, but it’s that much more complicated when a serious illness is added to the mix. As the adult child and main caregiver of an elderly parent who is facing a serious medical diagnosis … Continue reading

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The Changing Face of the Sandwich Generation (Which One are You?)

The term “sandwich generation” is one you’ve no doubt heard before, and if you’re reading this you’re likely also a member of its pack: adults who are sandwiched in between the actual parenting of their own children while at the … Continue reading

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