Tag Archives: welfare

Suicide Among the Elderly: Signs of Danger

In life’s sometimes painful progression, we, as adult children, expect to outlive our parents. This is the circle of life. One day, natural causes or an ongoing illness will lay claim to our elderly parents.  Yet there’s something we don’t … Continue reading

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Virtual Chatting with Your Aging Parents: How Skype and FaceTime Could Benefit Your Entire Family

  It’s something you probably do regularly in your business or personal life (either with colleagues, friends, or both), and yet you’ve likely never even considered making it a part of your ongoing routine with your aging parents. The “it” … Continue reading

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Surprise! Paying an Unannounced Visit to Your Aging Parent and Caregiver

Have you ever dropped in unannounced, just to check on your aging parent and his or her caregiver? If not, you should. There is so much more to true daily caregiving beyond just feeding, dressing and medicating a patient. Environment … Continue reading

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