Tag Archives: eldersafety

Your Aging Parents: Tips for Staying Well (at Home) in a Changing Climate

Note of disclaimer: Coronavirus is an ever-evolving world health situation and I am not a physician. My advice is based on the most current research from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of … Continue reading

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Suicide in The Elderly: Risk Factors and Warning Signs

The recent suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain—both people whose lives seemed full and rich in every sense of the word, have helped to open the topic of suicide up for discussion across dinner tables all over the world. … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, caretaking, Communication, health and wellness, News and Press, prescriptions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Suicide in The Elderly: Risk Factors and Warning Signs

Surprise! Paying an Unannounced Visit to Your Aging Parent and Caregiver

Have you ever dropped in unannounced, just to check on your aging parent and his or her caregiver? If not, you should. There is so much more to true daily caregiving beyond just feeding, dressing and medicating a patient. Environment … Continue reading

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