Tag Archives: FaceTime

Your Aging Parents: What to do when You’ve Got Nothing to Talk About

How often do you speak with your aging parent(s)? Now, I’m not referring to those quickie phone calls in which you make sure that Mom’s caretaker has been showing up and that her groceries are being delivered. What I want … Continue reading

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Strange Behavior in Your Aging Parent: It May Not be What You Think

As I have written here in the past, common medical conditions can manifest quite differently in the elderly than they do among the general population. Whereas an ongoing headache and fever after a cold of flu would indicate a likely … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, caretaking, Communication, health and wellness, medication, prescriptions, The Middle Ages | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Strange Behavior in Your Aging Parent: It May Not be What You Think

Virtual Chatting with Your Aging Parents: How Skype and FaceTime Could Benefit Your Entire Family

  It’s something you probably do regularly in your business or personal life (either with colleagues, friends, or both), and yet you’ve likely never even considered making it a part of your ongoing routine with your aging parents. The “it” … Continue reading

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